**cross-tolerance** --- **クロス耐性** The development of **tolerance** to a substance, to which the individual has not previously been exposed, as a result of acute or chronic intake of another substance. The two substances usually, but not invariably, have similar pharmacological effects. Cross-tolerance is apparent when a dose of the novel substance fails to produce the expected effect.\\ //**See also:**// cross-dependence; detoxification ---- ある物質の急性あるいは慢性の摂取の結果として、その人が以前に暴露したことのない別の物質への**[[tolerance]]**が形成されること。常にではないが、通常この二つの物質は似た薬理学的効果を持つ。クロス耐性は、新規の物質の服用が期待された効果をもたらさなかったときに明らかとなる。\\ //**参照:**// [[cross-dependence]]; [[detoxification]] WHO (1994)//((WHO (1994), //Lexicon of alcohol and drug terms//. Geneva: World Health Organization ->//[[http://www.who.int/substance_abuse/terminology/who_ladt/en/|Lexicon of alcohol and drug terms]]// (WHO) )), p.27\\ ->//[[http://www.who.int/substance_abuse/terminology/who_ladt/en/|Lexicon of alcohol and drug terms]] (WHO)