======不可知論者と神====== From: //[[http://barefootsworld.org/askbillw.html#8|Barefoot’s World]]//, //[[https://silkworth.net/alcoholics-anonymous/q8-agnostics-and-god-what-about-the-alcoholic-who-says-that-he-cannot-possibly-believe-in-god/|silkworth.net]]//
**8Q - What about the alcoholic who says that he cannot possibly believe in God?**
8A - A great many of them come to A.A. and they say that they are trapped. By this they mean that we have convinced them that they are fatally ill, yet they cannot accept a belief in God and His grace as a means of recovery. Happily this does not prove to be an impossible dilemma at all. We simply suggest that the newcomers take an easy stance and an open mind; that he proceeds to practice those parts of the Twelve Steps that anyone's common sense would readily recommend. He can certainly admit that he is an alcoholic; that he ought to make a moral inventory; that he ought to discuss his defects with another person; that he should make restitution for harms done; and that he can be helpful to other alcoholics.
We emphasize the 'open mind,' that at least he should admit that there might be a 'Higher Power.' He can certainly admit that he is not God, nor is mankind in general. If he wishes he could place his own dependence upon his own A.A. group. That group is certainly a "Higher Power," so far as recovery from alcoholism is concerned. If these reasonable conditions are met, he then finds himself released from the compulsion to drink; he discovers that his motivations have been changed far out of proportion to anything that could have been achieved by a simple association with us or by any practice of a little more honesty, humility, tolerance, and helpfulness. Little by little he becomes aware that a "Higher Power" is indeed at work. In a matter of months, or at least in a year or two, he is talking freely about God as he understands Him. He has received the gift of God's grace - and he knows it. (N.C.C.A., Blue Book, Vol.12, 1960)
私たちは「開かれた心」(の必要性)を強調している。それは、少なくとも「ハイヤー・パワー」が存在すると認めることだ。その人は、自分は神ではないし、一般的な人間ですらない、としっかり認めることができる。その人が望むなら、自分の属するAAグループを信頼し、頼ることができる。そうすれば、アルコホリズムからの回復に関しては、AAグループが「ハイヤー・パワー」ということだ。そうした妥当な条件が満たされれば、その人は自分が飲酒への強迫衝動から解放されていることに気づくようになる。自分の動機がこれまでにないほど変化したこと、そしてそれが私たち(AA)に加わったことや、どんなやり方であれ多少なりとも正直、謙虚、寛容、人助けといったことを実践したことで成し遂げられたことを発見する。「ハイヤー・パワー」の力が働いていることにその人は少しずつ気づいていく。おそらくは数ヶ月後、遅くとも1~2年後には、その人は自分なりに理解した神について率直に語るようになっているだろう。その人は神の恩寵という贈り物を受け取ったのであり、またそのことを自覚しているのだ。(Blue Book, Vol.12, N.C.C.A.((National Clergy Conference on Alcoholism — 1960年代に聖職者がアルコホリズムに焦点を当てて開いていた協議会。)), 1960)