
abuse liability乱用傾向

The propensity of a particular psychoactive substance to be susceptible to abuse, defined in terms of the relative probability that use of the substance will result in social, psychological, or physical problems for an individual or for society. Under international drug control treaties (see conventions, international drug) WHO is responsible for determining the abuse liability and dependence potential, as distinct from therapeutic usefulness, of controlled substances.
See also: abuse; dependence potential; harmful use

個別の精神作用物質について乱用されやすさを示し、その物質の使用が、社会的・精神的・身体的な問題を、個人あるいは社会に問題を引き起こす相対的確率によって定義される。国際的なdrug control条約により(conventions, international drugを参照)、WHOはcontrolled substanceについて、その治療的な効果とは別に、乱用傾向とdependence potentialを決定する責任を負う。
参照: 乱用; dependence potential; 有害な使用 WHO (1994)1), p.5
Lexicon of alcohol and drug terms (WHO)

WHO (1994), Lexicon of alcohol and drug terms. Geneva: World Health Organization →Lexicon of alcohol and drug terms (WHO)