
alcoholic brain syndromeアルコール性脳症候群

A general term for a range of disorders due to the effects of alcohol on the brain–acute intoxication, pathological intoxication, withdrawal syndrome, delirium tremens, hallucinosis, amnesic syndrome, dementia, psychotic disorder. More specific terms are preferred.

アルコールの影響が脳に及んだことによる障害――急性酩酊pathological intoxication離脱症候群delirium tremenshallucinosisamnesic syndromedementiapsychotic disorder――の総称。より明確な用語を用いることが望ましい。 WHO (1994)1), p.9
Lexicon of alcohol and drug terms (WHO)

WHO (1994), Lexicon of alcohol and drug terms. Geneva: World Health Organization →Lexicon of alcohol and drug terms (WHO)