- 字句的
rehabilitation — リハビリテーション
In the field of substance use, the process by which an individual with a substance use disorder achieves an optimal state of health, psychological functioning, and socia1 well-being.
Rehabilitation follows the initial phase of treatment (which may involve detoxification and medical and psychiatric treatment). It encompasses a variety of approaches including group therapy, specific behaviour therapies to prevent relapse, involvement with a mutual-help group, residence in a therapeutic community or half-way house, vocational training, and work experience. There is an expectation of social reintegration into the wider community.
リハビリテーションは、治療の(detoxificationや、身体的・精神的治療といった)最初の段階を引き継ぐものである。グループ療法、再発を防ぐための特定の行動療法、相互支援グループへの関与、治療共同体やハーフウェイハウスでの居住、職業訓練、就労体験といった多様な手法が含まれる。より広いコミュニティへの社会復帰という期待がある。 WHO (1994)1), p.55
→Lexicon of alcohol and drug terms (WHO)