**overdose** --- **過量摂取** The use of any drug in such an amount that acute adverse physical or mental effects are produced. Deliberate overdose is a common means of suicide and attempted suicide. In absolute numbers, overdoses of **licit drugs** are usually more common than those of **illicit drugs**. Overdose may produce transient or lasting effects, or death; the lethal dose of a particular drug varies with the individual and with circumstances.\\ //**See also:**// intoxication; poisoning ---- 身体的あるいは精神的に急性の有害な作用をもたらすほどの量の薬物を使用すること。故意の過量摂取は自殺あるいはその未遂の一般的な手段となっている。一般的に、**[[illicit drug]]**に比べ、**[[licit drug]]**の過量摂取の絶対数が多い。過量摂取は一時的な影響や後遺症、あるいは死をもたらしうる。それぞれの薬物ごとの致死量には個人差があり、環境によっても異なる。\\ //**参照:**// [[intoxication]], [[poisoning]] WHO (1994)//((WHO (1994), //Lexicon of alcohol and drug terms//. Geneva: World Health Organization ->//[[http://www.who.int/substance_abuse/terminology/who_ladt/en/|Lexicon of alcohol and drug terms]]// (WHO) )), p.50\\ ->//[[http://www.who.int/substance_abuse/terminology/who_ladt/en/|Lexicon of alcohol and drug terms]] (WHO)