**rehabilitation** --- **リハビリテーション** In the field of substance use, the process by which an individual with a substance use disorder achieves an optimal state of health, psychological functioning, and socia1 well-being.\\ Rehabilitation follows the initial phase of treatment (which may involve **detoxification** and medical and psychiatric treatment). It encompasses a variety of approaches including group therapy, specific behaviour therapies to prevent **relapse**, involvement with a **mutual-help group**, residence in a **therapeutic community** or **half-way house**, vocational training, and work experience. There is an expectation of social reintegration into the wider community. ---- 物質使用の領域においては、物質使用障害を持つ人が(身体の)健康、精神の機能、社会的幸福についてその人に望みうる最善の状態に到達できるようにするためのプロセス。\\ リハビリテーションは、治療の(**[[detoxification]]**や、身体的・精神的治療といった)最初の段階を引き継ぐものである。グループ療法、**[[relapse]]**を防ぐための特定の行動療法、**[[mutual-help group]]**への関与、**[[therapeutic community]]**や**[[halfway house]]**での居住、職業訓練、就労体験といった多様な手法が含まれる。より広いコミュニティへの社会復帰という期待がある。 WHO (1994)//((WHO (1994), //Lexicon of alcohol and drug terms//. Geneva: World Health Organization ->//[[https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9241544686|Lexicon of alcohol and drug terms]]// (WHO) )), p.55\\ ->//[[https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9241544686|Lexicon of alcohol and drug terms]] (WHO)