**therapeutic community** --- **治療共同体** A structured environment in which individuals with **psychoactive substance use disorders** live in order to achieve **rehabilitation**. Such communities are often specifically designed for drug-dependent people; they operate under strict rules, are run mainly by people who have recovered from a dependence, and are often geographically isolated. Therapeutic communities are characterized by a combination of "reality testing" (through confrontation of the individual' s drug problem) and support for **recovery** from staff and peers. They are usually closely aligned with **mutual-help groups** such as **Narcotics Anonymous**.\\ //**See also:**// half-way house ---- **[[psychoactive substance use disorders]]**を持った人が**[[rehabilitation]]**を成し遂げるために居住する構造化された環境。たいていこのような共同体は明確に薬物依存の人々のために作られ、厳格な規則の下に運営され、主に依存から回復した人々によって管理されており、また地理的に隔絶した場所に置かれることもしばしばである。「現実検討」(reality testing、個人それぞれの薬物問題への直面化)と、スタッフあるいは仲間同士による**[[recovery]]**のサポートの組み合わせが、治療共同体の特徴である。通常、**[[Narcotics Anonymous]]**のような**[[mutual-help group]]**と密接に連携している。\\ //**参照:**// [[halfway house]] WHO (1994)//((WHO (1994), //Lexicon of alcohol and drug terms//. Geneva: World Health Organization ->//[[https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9241544686|Lexicon of alcohol and drug terms]]// (WHO) )), pp.61-62\\ ->//[[https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9241544686|Lexicon of alcohol and drug terms]] (WHO)