






A.A.'s debt to medicine

Since its founding in 1935 the Alcoholics Anonymous program of recovery from alcoholism has had the support and encouragement of many individual members of the medical profession.


In addition, as AA has grown, many recognized groups comprising general practitioners and specialists have become increasingly interested in the unique AA approach to a serious health problem.


The three papers excerpted here include the first two detailed reports on the AA program to be presented to formal assemblies of leading medical societies, together with a more recent summary of the Fellowship's progress. All three are milestones in the growth of understanding of A.A. by one of its major allies - Medicine. Each presentation was made by Bill W., co-founder of A.A. *
* Bill W. died January 24, 1971.


The most recent paper, presented before the New York City Medical Society on Alcoholism in April, 1958, appears first in this pamphlet. It is followed by an address to the section on Neurology and Psychiatry of the Medical Society of New York at the Society's Annual Meeting in May, 1944. The third section contains excerpts from a presentation read at the 105th annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association in May, 1949, originally published in the American Journal of Psychiatry for November, 1949.

最も新しい論説は、このパンフレットの最初に掲載したもので、1958年4月にニューヨーク市アルコホリズム医学会で発表したものだ。次いで、1944年5月にニューヨーク州医学会年次総会の神経精神部会で行った講演を掲載した。三つめは、1949年5月にアメリカ精神医学会の第105回年次総会で行った発表の抜粋を掲載した。これは最初にAmerican Journal of Psychiatryの1949年11月号に掲載されたものの再録である。

The opinions and viewpoints expressed in the following papers are intended solely to reflect AA experience and do not imply the endorsement of the medical groups before which they were presented.



Alcoholics Anonymous — beginnings and growth, by Bill W.

別掲 アルコホーリクス・アノニマス、その始まりと成長


Statement on alcoholism
The American Medical Association identifies alcoholism as a complex disease with biological, psychological and sociological components and recognizes medicine's responsibility in behalf of affected persons. The Association recognizes that there are multiple forms of alcoholism, and that each patient should be evaluated and treated in an individualized and comprehensive manner. House of Delegates, American Medical Association, 1971

アメリカ医師会は、アルコホリズムを生物学的、心理学的、社会学的な要素を持つ複雑な疾患であることを確認し、その影響を受ける人たちのために医学の責任を認識している。本会は、アルコホリズムには複数の形態があり、それぞれの患者は個別的、包括的な方法で評価され、治療される必要があることを認識する。――アメリカ医師会 評議会 1971年


Is Alcoholism really an illness?

The American Medical Association and the World Health Organization, as well as many other professional groups, regard alcoholism as a disease. The judiciary and law-makers also are recognizing it as a disease.

Some authorities continue to see alcoholism only as an expression of underlying emotional problems. Others see it starting as a symptom which precedes an illness and requires treatment in itself

The Committee on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence of the American Medical Association defines alcoholism as an illness in which there is preoccupation with alcohol and loss of control over its consumption, as a type of drug dependence that can harm a person's health and interfere with his ability to work and get along with other people.

The alcoholic usually drinks heavily and gets drunk often. Quantity and frequency, however, are only one sign. Although some alcoholics actually drink less than some social drinkers, this does not change their basic condition nor make it less serious. The key factor is loss of control and craving for the drug, alcohol.

Physical disabilities and difficulties adjusting to life may contribute to the development of the illness, as well as result from it. Drinking by one's self or drinking early in the morning, may be signs of alcoholism, but they are not always present.

Similarly, living on skid row, being irresponsible and other behavior commonly regarded as fundamental to alcoholism, are neither limited to the disorder nor necessarily part of it. In fact, the class of alcoholics made up of financially successful professional persons may well be one of the largest, and certainly one of the most seriously neglected, groups in this country.

From the pamphlet “The Illness Called Alcoholism,” published by the American Medical Association (Committee on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Council on Mental Health, Department of Health Education); reprinted with permission.










Basic concepts of Alcoholics Anonymous, by Bill W.

別掲 アルコホーリクス・アノニマスの基本コンセプト


What do medical authorities think of A.A.?*

In 1967 the American Medical Association stated that membership in AA was still the most effective means of treating alcoholism and quoted Dr. Ruth Fox, an eminent authority on alcoholism and then medical director of the National Council on Alcoholism: “With its thousands of groups and its 300,000 recovered alcoholics [now upwards of 2,000,000], AA has undoubtedly reached more cases than all the rest of us together. For patients who can and will accept it, AA may be the only form of therapy needed.”


“I have the utmost respect for the work A.A is doing, for its spirit, for its essential philosophy of mutual helpfulness. I lose no opportunity to express my endorsement publicly and privately where it is of any concern.” Karl Menninger, MD. Menninger Foundation


“Perhaps the most effective treatment in the rehabilitation of the alcoholic is a philosophy of living which is compatible with the individual and his family, an absorbing faith in himself which comes only after he has learned to understand himself, and a close association with others whose experiences parallel his own. The physician's cooperation with Alcoholics Anonymous is one way of obtaining these things for his patient” Marvin A. Block, MD., member of the American Medical Association's Committee on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence


* Also see pamphlet “AA. as a Resource for the Health Care Professional.”

* AAパンフレット『保健医療関係者の皆様へ―社会資源としてのAA』も参照


The Society of Alcoholics Anonymous, by Bill W.


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