






American Psychiatric Association, DSM-II DIAGNOSTIC AND STATISTICAL MANUAL OF MENTAL DISORDERS (Second Edition), APA, 1968

Section 2 The Diagnostic Nomenclature: List of Mental Disorders and Their Code Numbers

第2章 診断術語体系 精神疾患とコード番号の一覧

V. Personality Disorders and Certain Other Non-psychotic Mental Disorders

V. パーソナリティ障害および特定のその他の非精神病性精神障害

303 Alcoholism
 .0 Episodic excessive drinking
 .1 Habitual excessive drinking
 .2 Alcohol addiction
 .9 Other [and unspecified] alcoholism

304 Drug dependence
 .0 Drug dependence, opium, opium alkaloids and their derivatives
 .1 Drug dependence, synthetic analgesics with morphine-like effects
 .2 Drug dependence, barbiturates
 .3 Drug dependence, other hypnotics and sedatives or “tranquilizers”
 .4 Drug dependence, cocaine
 .5 Drug dependence, Cannabis sativa (hashish, marihuana)
 .6 Drug dependence, other psycho-stimulants
 .7 Drug dependence, hallucinogens
 .8 Other drug dependence
 [.9 Unspecified drug dependence]

303 アルコホリズム
 .0 挿間的な大量飲酒
 .1 習慣的な大量飲酒
 .2 アルコール嗜癖
 .9 その他の[かつ特定されない]アルコホリズム

304 薬物依存
 304.0 薬物依存、アヘン、アヘン・アルカロイドおよびその派生物
 304.1 薬物依存、モルヒネ様の効果を持つ合成鎮痛薬
 304.2 薬物依存、バルビツレート
 304.3 薬物依存、その他の催眠剤および鎮静剤もしくは「精神安定剤」
 304.4 薬物依存、コカイン
 304.5 薬物依存、大麻(ハシシ、マリファナ)
 304.6 薬物依存、他の精神刺激薬
 304.7 薬物依存、幻覚剤
 304.8 その他の薬物依存
 [304.9 特定不能の薬物依存]

Section 3 The Definitions of Terms

第3章 言葉の定義

V. Personality Disorders and Certain Other Non-psychotic Mental Disorders

V. パーソナリティ障害および特定のその他の非精神病性精神障害

303 Alcoholism
This category is for patients whose alcohol intake is great enough to damage their physical health, or their personal or social functioning, or when it has become a prerequisite to normal functioning. If the alcoholism is due to another mental disorder, both diagnoses should be made. The following types of alcoholism are recognized:

303.0 Episodic excessive drinking
If alcoholism is present and the individual becomes intoxicated as frequently as four times a year, the condition should be classified here. Intoxication is defined as a state in which the individual's coordination or speech is definitely impaired or his behavior is clearly altered.

303.1 Habitual excessive drinking
This diagnosis is given to persons who are alcoholic and who either become intoxicated more than 12 times a year or are recognizably under the influence of alcohol more than once a week, even though not intoxicated.

303.2 Alcohol addiction
This condition should be diagnosed when there is direct or strong presumptive evidence that the patient is dependent on alcohol. If available, the best direct evidence of such dependence is the appearance of withdrawal symptoms. The inability of the patient to go one day without drinking is presumptive evidence. When heavy drinking continues for three months or more it is reasonable to presume addiction to alcohol has been established.

303.9 Other [and unspecified] alcoholism

304 Drug dependence
This category is for patients who are addicted to or dependent on drugs other than alcohol, tobacco, and ordinary caffeine-containing beverages. Dependence on medically prescribed drugs is also excluded so long as the drug is medically indicated and the intake is proportionate to the medical need. The diagnosis requires evidence of habitual use or a clear sense of need for the drug. Withdrawal symptoms are not the only evidence of dependence; while always present when opium derivatives are withdrawn, they may be entirely absent when cocaine or marihuana are withdrawn. The diagnosis may stand alone or be coupled with any other diagnosis.

 304.0 Drug dependence, opium, opium alkaloids and their derivatives
 304.1 Drug dependence, synthetic analgesics with morphinelike effects
 304.2 Drug dependence, barbiturates
 304.3 Drug dependence, other hypnotics and sedatives or “tranquilizers”
 304.4 Drug dependence, cocaine
 304.5 Drug dependence, Cannabis saliva (hashish, marihuana)
 304.6 Drug dependence, other psycho-stimulants (amphetamines, etc.)
 304.7 Drug dependence, hallucinogens
 304.8 Other drug dependence
 [304.9 Unspecified drug dependence]


303 アルコホリズム

303.0 挿間的な大量飲酒

303.1 習慣的な大量飲酒

303.2 アルコール嗜癖

303.9 その他の[かつ特定されない]アルコホリズム

304 薬物依存

 304.0 薬物依存、アヘン、アヘン・アルカロイドおよびその派生物
 304.1 薬物依存、モルヒネ様の効果を持つ合成鎮痛薬
 304.2 薬物依存、バルビツレート
 304.3 薬物依存、その他の催眠剤および鎮静剤もしくは「精神安定剤」
 304.4 薬物依存、コカイン
 304.5 薬物依存、大麻(ハシシ、マリファナ)
 304.6 薬物依存、他の精神刺激薬
 304.7 薬物依存、幻覚剤
 304.8 その他の薬物依存
 [304.9 特定不能の薬物依存]


    • 302 Sexual deviations — 性的逸脱
      • .0 Homosexuality — 同性愛
      • .1 Fetishism — フェティシズム
      • .2 Pedophilia — 小児性愛
      • .3 Transvestitism — 異性装障害
      • .4 Exhibitionism — 露出症
      • .5 Voyeurism — 窃視障害
      • .6 Sadism — サディズム
      • .7 Masochism — マゾヒズム
      • .8 Other sexual deviation — 他の性的逸脱
      • [.9 Unspecified sexual deviation] — 特定不能の性的逸脱
  • VII. SPECIAL SYMPTOMS (306) — 特殊な症状
    • 306 Special symptoms not elsewhere classified — 他に分類されていない特殊な症状
      • 306.5 Feeding disturbance — 摂食障害
dependence/diagnostic/diagnostic_criteria_dsm_ii.txt · 最終更新: 2020/07/04 by ひいらぎ