
情動障害, 後遺の, アルコール・薬物に関連した

affective disorder, residual, alcohol- or drug-related情動障害, 後遺の, アルコール・薬物に関連した

Alcohol- or drug-induced changes in affect that persist beyond the period during which a direct effect of the alcohol or drug might reasonably be assumed to be operating.

See also: psychotic disorder, residual and late onset, alcohol- or drug-induced


参照: psychotic disorder, residual and late onset, alcohol- or drug-induced

WHO (1994)1), p.7
Lexicon of alcohol and drug terms (WHO)

WHO (1994), Lexicon of alcohol and drug terms. Geneva: World Health Organization →Lexicon of alcohol and drug terms (WHO)
lexicon/affective_disorder_residual_alcohol-_or_drug-related.txt · 最終更新: 2024/04/28 by ragi