





screening testスクリーニング・テスト

An evaluative instrument or procedure, either biological or psychological, whose main purpose is to discover, within a given population, as many individuals as possible who currently have a condition or disorder or who are at risk of developing one at same point in the future. Screening tests are often not diagnostic in the strict sense of the term, although a positive screening test will typically be followed by one or more definitive tests to confirm or reject the diagnosis suggested by the screening test.
A test with high sensitivity is able to identify the majority of genuine cases of the condition under consideration. For example, sensitivity of 90% means that the test will identify as positive 90 out of 100 people known to have the condition (and will miss the other 10, who are termed “false negatives”).
Specificity, on the other hand, refers to a test's ability to exclude false cases; that is, the greater its specificity, the less likely the test is to give positive results for individuals who do not, in fact, have the disease in question (“false positives”).
The term “screening instrument” is also in widespread use, typically referring to a questionnaire or brief interview schedule. Examples of screening instruments for alcohol-use disorders include Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT), Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (MAST), Munich Alcoholism Test (MALT), the Cut-down, Annoyed, Guilty, Eye-opener (CAGE) test, and the Le-Go grid.
See also: biological marker; diagnostic test

感度 sensitivity」の高いテストは、対象となる疾患の真症ケースの大多数を識別することができる。例えば、感度90%のテストは、疾患の既知のケース100人のうち90人を識別できる(残りの10人の識別には失敗し、これを「偽陰性」と呼ぶ)。
参照: biological marker; diagnostic test WHO (1994)1), pp.58-59
Lexicon of alcohol and drug terms (WHO)

WHO (1994), Lexicon of alcohol and drug terms. Geneva: World Health Organization →Lexicon of alcohol and drug terms (WHO)
lexicon/screening_test.txt · 最終更新: 2024/04/28 by ragi