- 字句的
4. Terminology in Regard to Drug Abuse
“Drug dependence” to replace the terms “drug addiction” and “drug habituation”
「薬物嗜癖」および「薬物習慣」を置き換える用語「薬物依存」The WHO Expert Committee on Addiction-Producing Drugs in 1952 1 attempted to formulate a definition of addiction applicable to drugs under international control, which it later (1957)2 revised. The Expert Committee sought also to differentiate addiction from habituation and wrote a definition of the latter which, however, failed in practice to make a clear distinction. The definition of addiction gained some acceptance, but confusion in the use of the terms addiction and habituation and misuse of the former continued. Further, the list of drugs abused increased in number and diversity. These difficulties have become increasingly apparent and various attempts have been made to find a term that could be applied to drug abuse generally. The component in common appears to be dependence, whether psychic or physical or both. Hence, use of the term “drug dependence”, with a modifying phrase linking it to a particular drug type in order to differentiate one class of drugs from another, has been given most careful consideration.
WHOの専門家委員会(Expert Committee on Addiction-Producing Drugs)は1952年に国際的に規制を受けている薬物を対象とした嗜癖の定義を明確にしようとした。1957年にはその定義の改版を行った。専門家委員会はまた、嗜癖(addiction)と習慣(habituation)の区別を目指し、後者の定義も作成したが、両者の違いは必ずしも明確にならなかった。嗜癖の定義はある程度受け入れられたが、嗜癖と習慣という用語の使い分けの混乱や、以前からの誤用は終息しなかった。さらに、乱用される薬物のリストは長くなり、多様性も増加した。困難が増していることが明らかになったため、薬物乱用全般に適用できるような用語を見出そうとする様々な努力が行われた。精神的に、身体的に、またその両者に共通して「依存(dependence)」という用語が使われていることは明らかであった。とはいえ、「薬物依存」という言葉を使うに当たっては、ある薬物と他とを区別するために、該当する薬物の種類を付すことが望ましいことを十分に考慮すべきである。
“Drug dependence” is defined as a state arising from repeated administration of a drug on a periodic or continuous basis. Its characteristics will vary with the agent involved and this must be made clear by designating the particular type of drug dependence in each specific case–for example, drug dependence of morphine type, of cocaine type, of cannabis type, of barbiturate type, of amphetamine type, etc. (See Annex 1 for descriptions of specific types of drug dependence.)
「薬物依存」は周期的あるいは連続的に薬物を繰り返し摂取することによって起こる状態と定義される。その特徴は関わる薬物によって様々に異なっているため、個々の事例についてどのタイプの薬物の依存なのか明示されなければならない。それは例えばモルヒネタイプの薬物依存、コカインタイプ、バルビツールタイプ、アンフェタミンタイプなどである(薬物依存のタイプ分けについてはAnnex 1を参照のこと)。
The Expert Committee recommends substitution of the term “drug dependence” for the terms “drug addiction” and “ drug habituation”.
It must be emphasized that drug dependence is a general term selected for its applicability to all types of drug abuse and carries no connotation of the degree of risk to public health or need for a particular type of drug control. The agents controlled internationally continue to be those that are morphine-like, cocaine-like, and cannabis-like, however produced, the use of which results in drug dependence of morphine type, drug dependence of cocaine type, and drug dependence of cannabis type. Other types of drug dependence (barbiturate, amphetamine, etc.) continue to present problems, but their description under the general term “drug dependence” does not in any way affect the measures taken to solve them. The general term will help to indicate a relationship by drawing attention to a common feature associated with drug abuse and at the same time permit more exact description and differentiation of specific characteristics according to the nature of the agent involved.
1) Wld Hlth Org. techn. Rep. Ser., 1952, 57, 9 (section 6.1).
2) Wld Hlth Org. techn. Rep. Ser., 1957, 116, 9 (section 8).注)Annex 1には、モルヒネ、バルビツール、コカイン、アンフェタミン、大麻が挙げられている。 WHO Expert Committee on Addiction-Producing Drugs (1964)1), pp.9-10
→Technical Report Series No.273 [pdf] (WHO)