- 字句的
22Q - Was the writing of the Big Book a difficult job?
22A - As the chapters were done, we went to A.A. meetings in New York with the chapters in the rough. It wasn't like chicken-in-the-rough, the boys didn't eat those chapters up at all. I suddenly discovered that I was in a terrific whirlpool of arguments. I was just the umpire. I finally had to stipulate, “Well boys, over here we have the holy rollers who say we need all the good old-fashioned stuff in the book, and over here you tell me we've got to have a psychological book, and that never cured anybody, and they didn't do very much with us in the missions, so I guess you will have to leave me just to be the umpire. I'll scribble out some roughs here and show them to you and let's get the comments in.” So we fought, bled and died our way through one chapter after another. We sent copies out to Akron and they were peddled around and there were terrific hassles about what should go in this book and what should not.
A22:私は下書きを何章か書き上げたので、それを持ってニューヨークのAAミーティングに行きました。それはダイヤの原石ではなかったようで、誰もそれを最後まで読みたがりませんでした。しかも私はいきなり大きな議論の渦に巻き込まれていることに気がつきました。私がその審判役でした。結局私はこう言う決まりを作るしかありませんでした。「なあ君たち。一方にはこの本に昔ながらの話を詰め込まなくちゃならないと大声でまくしたてる人たちがいる。もう一方では、私たちに必要なのは心理学の本で、病気を治したり、伝道所がやるようなことはしないと言う人たちもいる。だから、君たちは私を審判役にするべきだと思う。私は書いた下書きを君たちに見せるから、それにコメントを付けたまえ」 だから、その後の私たちは、一章一章について、戦い、血を流し、死ぬほどの議論をすることになりました。原稿はアクロンも送りましたから、そちらでも、何をこの本に入れて、何を入れないか、ひどい口論がありました。
Meanwhile, we set drunks up to write their stories or we had newspaper people to write the stories for them to go in the back of the book. We had an idea that we'd have a text and then we'd have stories all about the drunks who were staying sober. (Transcribed from tape, Fort Worth, Tx., 1954)