- 字句的
(Note: The number in parenthesis in the right hand margin is the appropriate code number from the International Statistical Classification. See Appendix A.) p.2
--x DISORDERS OF PSYCHOGENIC ORIGIN OR WITHOUT CLEARLY DEFINED TANGIBLE CAUSE OR STRUCTURAL CHANGE 000-x60 Sociopathic personality disturbance (320.7)* 000-x61 Antisocial reaction (320.4) 000-x62 Dyssocial reaction (320.5) 000-x63 Sexual deviation. Specify Supplementary Term (320.6) 000-x64 Addiction 000-x641 Alcoholism (322.1) 000-x642 Drug addiction (323)p.7
000-x64 Addiction
Addictions will be classified as defined below.
000-x641 Alcoholism
Included in this category will be cases in which there is well established addiction to alcohol without recognizable underlying disorder. Simple drunkenness and acute poisoning due to alcohol are not included in this category.000-x642 Drug addiction
Drug addiction is usually symptomatic of a personality disorder, and will be classified here while the individual is actually addicted; the proper personality classification is to be made as an additional diagnosis. Drug addictions symptomatic of organic brain disorders, psychotic disorders, psychophysiologic disorders, and psychoneurotic disorders are classified here as a secondary diagnosis. p.39
000-x64 嗜癖
000-x641 アルコホリズム
このカテゴリに含まれるのは、認識できる基礎的な疾患によらずにアルコールへの嗜癖が十分に確立されたケースである。単純な酩酊やアルコールの急性中毒はこのカテゴリに含まない。000-x642 薬物嗜癖