





alcohol-related problemアルコール関連問題

Any of the range of adverse accompaniments of drinking alcohol. It is important to note that “related” does not necessarily imply causality.

Use of the term can relate either to an individual drinker or to society, and was endorsed by a 1979 WHO Expert Committee.1 A 1977 WHO report had used alcohol-related disability as an equivalent term at the individual level.2

Alcohol problem is often used as an equivalent term (as distinct from “the alcohol problem”, which implies that an individual's drinking pattern is in itself a problem).

See also: abuse (drug, alcohol, chemical, substance, or psychoactive substance); harmful use; misuse, drug or alcohol; problem drinking


この用語は個々の飲酒者にも社会に対しても関連づけて用いられるよう、1979年のWHOの専門家委員会で推奨されたものである。1977年のWHOの報告書では、個人のレベルについてアルコール関連障害(alcohol-related disability)を同等の用語として使用していた。

アルコール問題(alcohol problem)も同義の用語としてしばしば使われる(ただし、個人の飲酒パターンを問題とする意味を含む “the alcohol problem” とは区別される)。

参照乱用(薬物、アルコール、化学薬品、物質、精神作用物質); 有害な使用; misuse, drug or alcohol(誤用); problem drinking(問題飲酒)

1. Problems related to alcohol consumption. Report of a WHO Expert Committee. Geneva, world Health Organization, 1980 (WHO technical Report Series, No.650).

2. Edwards G et al. Alcohol-related disabilities. Geneva, World Health Organization, 1977 (WHO Offset publication, No.32). WHO (1994)1), p.14
Lexicon of alcohol and drug terms (WHO)

WHO (1994), Lexicon of alcohol and drug terms. Geneva: World Health Organization →Lexicon of alcohol and drug terms (WHO)
lexicon/alcohol-related_problems.txt · 最終更新: 2024/04/28 by ragi