





24Q - How did you meet Father Ed Dowling?


24A - My first unforgettable contact with Father Ed came about in this way. It was early 1940, though late in the winter. Save for old Tom, the fireman we had lately rescued from Rockland Asylum, the club was empty (24th St. clubhouse in N.Y. City where Bill and Lois were living, as they had been evicted from their Clinton St. home.) My wife Lois was out somewhere. It had been a hectic day, full of disappointments. I lay upstairs in our room, consumed with self-pity. This had been brought on by one of my characteristic imaginary ulcer attacks. It was a bitter night, frightfully windy. Hail and sleet beat on the tin roof over my head.

A24: 忘れもしない、私のエド神父との最初の出会いはこのようなものだった。1940年の初め、冬の終わりごろ。その日のクラブにはロックランド病院から救い出された元消防士のトム老人と私だけだった(ニューヨーク市24番街にあったクラブハウスにはクリントン通りの家を退去させられたビルとロイスが住んでいた)。妻のロイスはどこか外へ出かけていた。一日中大忙しだったのに期待外れのことばかりの日だった。私は二階の自室で横になり、自己憐憫に襲われていた。それは私に特有の、想像上の潰瘍がもたらす発作のようなものだった。寒く、恐ろしい風が吹く夜で、私の上のブリキ板の屋根を、雹(ひょう)とみぞれが叩いていた。

Then the front doorbell rang and I heard old Tom toddle off to answer it. A minute later he looked into the doorway of my room, obviously much annoyed. Then he said, “Bill, there is some old damn bum down there from St. Louis, and he wants to see you.” “Great heavens,” I thought, “this can't be still another one.” Wearily and even resentfully, I said to Tom, “Oh well, bring him up, bring him up.” Then a strange figure appeared in my bedroom door. He wore a shapeless black hat that somehow reminded me of a cabbage leaf. His coat collar was drawn around his neck, and he leaned heavily on a cane. He was plastered with sleet. Thinking him to be just another drunk, I didn't even get off the bed. Then he unbuttoned his coat and I saw that he was a clergyman.

やがて玄関の呼び鈴が鳴り、トム老人が応対に出たのが聞こえた。数分後、彼は私の部屋の入り口に顔を出したが、いかにも困った様子だった。彼は言った。「ビル、汚い浮浪者の老人が、セントルイスから来たので、あなたに会いたいと言うのです」 「ああ、なんて一日だ。まだもう一つあるのか」 私は、疲れて怒った声で、トムに言った。「わかった、いいから、この部屋に連れてきてくれ」 やがて私の部屋の扉口に、不思議な人影が現われた。彼はかたちの崩れた黒い帽子をかぶっており、それがまるでキャベツの葉に見えた。コートの襟が首のまわりに張り付いていて、彼は自分のステッキに寄りかかって立っていた。みぞれ雨に濡れて髪がべったり張り付いていた。また飲んだくれがやってきたと思って、私はベッドから出もしなかった。彼がコートのボタンを外したので、それでようやく彼が聖職者だと分ったのだ。

A moment later I realized with great joy that he was the clergyman who had put that wonderful plug for A.A. into The Queen's Work. My weariness and annoyance instantly evaporated. We talked of many things, not always about serious matters either. Then I began to be aware of one of the most remarkable pair of eyes I have ever seen. And, as we talked on, the room increasingly filled with what seemed to me to be the presence of God which flowed through my new friend. It was one of the most extraordinary experiences that I have ever had. Such was his rare ability to transmit grace. Nor was my experience at all unique. Hundreds of AA's have reported having exactly this experience when in his presence. This was the beginning of one of the deepest and most inspiring friendships that I shall ever know. This was the first meaningful contact that I have ever had with the clergymen of the Catholic faith. (The 'Blue Book', Vol. 12, 1960)


A - Father Edward Dowling, a great Jesuit friend of ours, once said to me, “Bill, it isn't what you people put into Alcoholics Anonymous that makes it so good - it's what you left out.” (Transcribed from tape, Manhattan Group, 1955)

A: イエズス会の私たちの偉大なる友人、エド・ダウリング神父は、かつて私にこう言いました。「ビル、とても良かったのは、皆さんがアルコホーリクス・アノニマスに何を取り入れたか、ではなく、何を取り入れなかったかです」(1955年、マンハッタン・グループでのテープ録音より)

イエスズ会の出版部 — The Queen’s Work was founded by Jesuits of the Missouri Province to provide “a journal of national character” which would “[publish] articles of interest to all Catholics.” — Jesuit Archives, Queen’s Work Collection (jesuitarchives.org)
recovery/letsaskbillw/24.txt · 最終更新: 2021/01/30 by ragi