- 字句的
6Q - What happened to your sponsor, Ebby?
6A - It was Ebby who brought me the message that saved my life and uncounted thousands of others.
Because of gratitude and old friendship, my wife Lois and I invited Ebby to live at our home shortly after I sobered up. The son of a well-to-do family in Albany, he had never learned any profession so he was broke and had to begin all over. These were difficult circumstances, naturally. Ebby stayed with us something like a year and a half. Being intent on getting re-established in life, he took little interest in helping other alcoholics. Little by little, he commenced the rationalization we have seen so often. He began to say that if he had the right romance and the right job then things would be okay. At length, he fell by the wayside. He would not mind if I tell this - it is a part of his story today.
For many years, my old friend Ebby was on the wagon and off. Sometimes he could stay sober for a year or more. He tried living with Lois and me for another considerable period but apparently this was of no help. Maybe we actually hindered him. As A.A. began to grow his position became difficult. For a long time things went from bad to worse.
About six years ago the groups down in Texas decided to try their hand. Ebby was shipped non-stop to Dallas and placed in an A.A. drying out place. In these new surroundings in Texas, far from his old failures, he has made a splendid recovery. Excepting for one slip which occurred about a year after his arrival down there he has been bone dry ever since. This is one of the deepest satisfactions that has ever come to me since A.A. started and many another A.A. can say the same. (N.C.C.A. 'Blue Book,' Vol.12, 1960)
およそ6年前、テキサスのグループが彼を引き受ける決断をした。エビーは直行便でダラスに送り込まれ、AAの治療施設に入れられた。テキサスという新しい環境の中で、過去の失敗から遠く離れ、彼は優れた回復を成し遂げた。例外は、あちらに移って約1年後に一度スリップが起きているが、その後はまったく飲んでいない。これは、AAが始まって以来最大の満足感を私に与えてくれたことの一つであるし、他のAAメンバーも同じことを言っている。(Blue Book, Vol.12, N.C.C.A.1), 1960)
テキサスでのソブラエティは7年間続いたが、1961年に再飲酒した。ニューヨークに戻ったエビーは、親族やビル・W夫妻の世話を受けたが、再飲酒が繰り返され、健康状態は次第に悪化していった。最後はビルの手配でマーガレット・マクパイプ(Margaret McPike, -1982)が運営していたマクパイプファームに預けられ、そこで1966年に亡くなった。その時には2年間飲んでいなかったという。
参照: 小辞典 エビー・T