ビールの味だけで報酬感覚、アルコール作用なくても 米研究
http://www.afpbb.com/article/environment-science-it/science-technology/2939021/10591409 (魚拓)
2013年04月16日 09:17 発信地:パリ/フランス
【4月16日 AFP】ビールは、アルコールの中毒作用がなくても、味だけで報酬の感覚を与える脳内物質の分泌を活性化させるとの研究が、15日の米科学誌「Neuropsychopharmacology(神経精神薬理学)」に掲載された。
研究は、人がどのようにしてアルコール依存症になるかを探るもの。米インディアナ大学(Indiana University)の神経学チームは男性49人を対象に、お気に入りのビールか、ノンアルコールのスポーツ飲料ゲータレード(Gatorade)のどちらかを飲むように指示し、対象者の脳を陽電子放射断層撮影法(PET)で画像化した。
Beer Flavor Provokes Striatal Dopamine Release in Male Drinkers: Mediation by Family History of Alcoholism
Neuropsychopharmacology (15 April 2013) | doi:10.1038/npp.2013.91
Brandon G Oberlin, Mario Dzemidzic, Stella M Tran, Christina M Soeurt, Daniel S Albrecht, Karmen K Yoder and David A Kareken
AbstractStriatal dopamine (DA) is increased by virtually all drugs of abuse, including alcohol. However, drug-associated cues are also known to provoke striatal DA transmission- a phenomenon linked to the motivated behaviors associated with addiction. To our knowledge, no one has tested if alcohol's classically-conditioned flavor cues, in the absence of a significant pharmacologic effect, are capable of eliciting striatal dopamine release in humans. Employing positron emission tomography (PET), we hypothesized that beer's flavor alone can reduce the binding potential of [11C]raclopride (a reflection of striatal DA release) in the ventral striatum, relative to an appetitive flavor control. Forty-nine men, ranging from social to heavy drinking, mean age 25, with a varied family history of alcoholism underwent two [11C]raclopride PET scans: one while tasting beer, and one while tasting GatoradeR. Relative to the control flavor of Gatorade, beer flavor significantly increased self-reported desire to drink, and reduced [11C]raclopride binding potential, indicating that the alcohol-associated flavor cues induced dopamine release. Binding potential reductions were strongest in subjects with first-degree alcoholic relatives. These results demonstrate that alcohol-conditioned flavor cues can provoke ventral striatal dopamine release absent significant pharmacologic effects, and that the response is strongest in subjects with a greater genetic risk for alcoholism. Striatal DA responses to salient alcohol cues may thus be an inherited risk factor for alcoholism.